
Who I Am

Who I Am I tend to gravitate towards people that I have to fight for their attention and to entertain them. I suppose that I strive to be noticed sometimes. It’s emotionally and physically exhausting most of the time. I tend to fall for women who are strong-willed and independent, for I find that attribute attractive. The problem with that is that they don’t usually need someone else/want somebody else to make them happy. They are content already. Some will use me as a person to talk to during moments when they feel emotionally weak, and then let me go until I am needed again. I tend to be the jealous type when I’m close to people in a relationship and somebody new enters the scene. I always have to make sure that they aren’t trying to steal that person away/replace me. I take care of my body based on what I feel is right. I do not take people’s health food suggestions, for everybody’s health is different. Whatever money I have left over from paying all of my bills

New Year's Resolution for 2018

Well it's that time of the year again! Time to show what my resolutions were last year and see if I accomplished them.. And then to make new ones for next year! 2017 is going to be an awesome year. Here is a list to be your guide of resolutions. Sharpen your music skills  - I would say that I did do this! I made more music this year than I ever had before! Most of which will not be released on the internet ;) Go to LA  - So I was going to go to LA for my vacation during the summer, but I didn't have a place to stay and I wasn't looking to fork over that much money. GRADUATE IN MAY!  - I FREAKING DID IT!! My heart was full of joy! Meet and date her.  - Well, I kind of accomplished this. So, I widened my horizons this year and went on dates with more women than I ever had before. Putting myself out there was challenging, but I did it! I didn't find the "her" that I was insinuating, but by the end of the year I realized that being single right now is good


I believe that I have lived most of my life in constant fear of relationships.  After living through a terrible childhood of abuse and seeing how horrible a relationship can be between a husband and a wife, I never wanted that same reality to happen to me. I have put such a huge weight on my shoulders to make sure that the woman I marry someday will love me for who I am, and to be honest it's been rough. The expectations I have put in a relationship are unrealistically high, it's been hard for me to maintain one. About a week ago, my roommate and I went to a hat shop on our day off. We decided to treat ourselves and just have a fun day. While we were there, I saw this pretty girl and we really hit it off. We started talking about Audrey Hepburn and Marvel movies. It was pretty awesome. My roommate and I left the store and I told him, "That girl was pretty cute!" He then urged me to ask her out on a date. Being the confident man that I am, I walked back in and aske

New Year's Resolution for 2017

Another year almost in the bag! A lot of change did happen (as I predicted.) Let's see how I did! Get a real-life job.  - Not only did I get a real-life job, but I got it working for the company of my dreams. Eat vegetables.  - Sure, I ate a few Be okay with change.  - Wow, a lot of change happened this year, it's insane. New job, new apartment, new life!  Write/make music.  - No Christmas album, but I did experiment with a lot of music this year! 2017 will be better I promise. Travel.  - I did go to Canada and LA this year, so I'd say I did more than I ever have before! Stay motivated.  - As they say, the best motivator is yourself. I did pretty well. Enjoy the silence.  - There were a lot of moments when I was alone this year, and I crushed it (including right now! it's Christmas and you're alone!) Become friends with Daisy Ridley.  - Ugh. It didn't happen :,( Tread lightly.  - Almost didn't make it, but did. Los

I'm a Dreamer

I always have been a dreamer for the longest time. I don't know where it comes from, but my inner being just gravitates towards doing certain things and it's all I can think about. If people prevent me from living my dream, I don't listen to them and push myself harder. I have few dreams in life, and I hope that I can fulfill most of them. I remember many years ago, I told my mom that I wanted to go to college and work for Apple some day. To this day, I still remember what she told me in our old beat-down car. She said, "Don't dream big." That moment crushed my heart and made me depressed. While I see her point-of-view, she's not a dreamer like me. Nor are a lot of people. The world has hit them hard and discouraged them and so will forevermore try to just "get by." When people call me crazy, I don't listen to them. It only pushes me harder to be the best and achieve my dreams more. Maybe people have goals to achieve, but they only strive t

2016: A Year of Change | Part 1

It's less than a month into the new year, and already so much change has been happening.. However, it's not so much for the better. I guess I shouldn't have so much expectation for the word "change" to have a good connotation attached to it.. I'm going to be the most honest in this post, because I need to let you guys know what's going on. Curveball #1: MIIIIIIIIKE So one of my best friends wasn't able to return this semester of college. This was something I never really thought would happen, but it did. This absolutely scares me. The last time I was alone in a room at college, I didn't do so well academically. Mike kept me accountable in terms of getting my work done. Even though he never really told me to do my classwork, he motivated me for sure. Curveball #2: Class overload I was actually excited for this semester, because I only had to do four classes, but only to find that these classes are the most challenging/time consuming. I also am doing

My New Year's Resolution for 2016

Alrighty folks! It's about that time of the year again when I write down what my resolutions were this previous year. Let's see how I did this year!   Get rid of my ear gauges. - I did do this! I took them out in February I believe. They're kind of open still, but hopefully they'll close soon! Brush, brush, brush. Floss, floss, floss.   - Mostly, kind of! Continue on the journey of getting better clothes.  - Yes I did! I'm still on that journey, but I've taken huge leaps this year! Save your money on things that you need.   - Meh, I really tried to! I think I didn't spend as wildly as I have done in the past. Continue to grow in your confidence in yourself, and love yourself.   - I think this is still something I struggle with. Good resolution idea, but hard to execute. Find who you are.  - Still doing that more than ever! Continue on the journey of college. - I am still doing this. It might be an extra semester, but